Secrecy Branch
Secrecy Branch
The Secrecy Branch of CDLU is ardently committed for making the required arrangements for getting the papers set from the experts whose names are duly recommended by the concerned Chairpersons of UGBOS & PGBOS with high confidentiality. The branch also handles the work of evaluation of Answer Books is being done from the evaluators of the concerned departments and through Spot Evaluation Centres which are established in various affiliated colleges of 2 districts i.e. Sirsa & Fatehabad. The work of Paper Setting & Evaluation is being done as per University Ordinance Volume-II. The branch also makes the payment for remuneration of Paper Setters and Examiners as per rate approved by the University. The branch continuously aims to make the work more secretive & the process more expeditious via the use of a Database Management System of Microsoft (MS Access), which also helps us save our money & environment. The branch is also committed to boost the transparency in the workflow and minimize the bugs, thereby standing to our motto of maintaining the credibility of the name of Secrecy Branch.
Staff Members:
Assistant Registrar: - Sh. Sanjay Tiwari
Assistant-I: - Sh. Ram Pal (Set-I)
Clerk-I: - Sh. Ravinder Kumar
Clerk-III: - Sh. Rupesh Kumar
Helper-I: - Sh. Youdhister Datta
Peon: - Mrs. Meena
Assistant-II: - Sh. Hari Ram(Set-II)
Clerk-II: - Sh. Rajesh Kumar
Clerk-IV: - Sh. Jannat Kaswan
Helper-II:- Sh. Khyali Ram
Scanning Section
Junior Programmer Mrs.Swati
Assistant Sh.Sanjay Kumar
Assistant Miss Sonika